Rubber Band Car-Ivan Mott
...Rubber band cars are perfect examples of how friction, and elastic energy effect a vehicle, each component plays a pivotal role in using each force/energy and moving the vehicle.Build Quality
What to do
...Make an even and sturdy frame, make sure the dimensions of the parts are proportional, so the axels can be strait and the wheels wont turn.
My Results (and mistakes)
...I made my frame out of straws and sticks sticking through the straws holding it together, and had four hole-punched construction paper pieces to hold the axels. My mistake with this design was at the beginning, the sticks were uneven making the axels turn, even though I improved the frame by adjusting the straws, but it still was a little crooked.
...Making sure the frame is sturdy helps it overcome the forces acting on it while moving, as well as that having the right weight is necessary to keeping the right amount of friction to stay on the ground.
What to Do
...Slipknot the rubber band to one of the axels, slipknot another rubber band to the first one and then tie that to a support stick on the car, and then turn the axel and wind the wheels and the car will start moving.
My Results
...While effectively powering my car to move 1m, it would have moved further if it weren't for the other issues with the car.
...The energy to move the care is stored in the elasticity of the rubber band when your turn it around the axel. When you let go of the rubber band the energy is released, uncoiling the rubber band and moving the axel with it.
What to Do
...Cut out circular pieces of paper and then tape rectangular paper around it to form a wheel, make sure it's fairly large to make easier movement, and attach it to the axel.
My Results (and mistakes)
...My original wheels were horrible, they had no traction, and were lopsided preventing any momentum from powering the wheels, as well as that they were barely attached to the axels, so I made new wheels that were larger and smoother, I still had the problem with attachment but still they improved my performance
...The larger the wheels, the less energy needed to move further. Traction will get your wheel to stick to the ground using friction
...The only way to successfully build a rubber band powered car is to mix all the elements right, the right weight, traction, and build quality, is the only thing necisary to get that car moving.
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